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Branded $880
- 60-day listing
- Email alerts automatically notify registered, relevant jobseekers
- Branded with your logo, including in search results
- Employer profile, featuring your logo, description, vacancies, and an invitation to jobseekers to sign up to receive your new jobs by email
- Applications straight to your inbox or redirected to your own website
Enhanced $995
- All of the Branded ad features, plus:
- Additional stand out with a colored background
- Typically receives double* the applications of a Branded ad
*Jan-Sept 2024
Premium $1,260
- All of the Enhanced ad features, plus:
- Listed above Enhanced and Branded ads, so your ad is seen first by jobseekers
- AI-powered email alerts to jobseekers who have applied for similar roles
- Typically receives three times* more applications than a Branded ad
*Jan-Sept 2024